Water Heaters & More

Water Heater Repair

Water heaters for business and home are subject to extremes while dependably heating water for your use. Repairs should be handled by a professional with experience in most every model and manufacturer. Our master plumbers at Blue Plumbing, LLC are the right people for the job. If you suspect that your water heater is taking too long to heat your water or is performing intermittently, then give us a call for a complete diagnosis.

There are times when your water heater has seen one too many repairs and another repair just doesn’t make sense nor is it wise to spend your money on it. We will give you a very honest opinion. If it needs to be replaced, let us help you out with a great new water heater for a great price and professionally installed by your friends at Blue Plumbing, LLC.

Tankless Water Heater — Phoenix, AZ — Blue Plumbing LLC

Tankless Water Heaters

These little devices are simply amazing. Imagine getting hot water on demand. No more standing in the shower when the hot water runs out. No more waiting for the hot water to get hot again before you can take a shower. A standard water heater is designed to heat a large amount of water. That adds to your energy costs to keep that water hot. A tankless water heater heats the water straight from the pipe to you. Ask one of our pros about tankless water heater installation.

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